이마트는 대한민국의 대형 할인점이다. 그로서리를 중심으로 장보기에 국한된 장소에서 벗어나 이마트 월계점 ‘THE
TOWN MALL’ 은 6개(F&B,
Culture, Life, Grocery, Fashion, Factory Outlet)의 테마 MD로
구성 되면서 즐거운 쇼핑 경험을 통해 고객이 오래 머물고 싶은 장소로 트랜스포메이션 되었다.
디자인 스튜디오 NBDC 와 FRINDLEY와의 협업을 통해 설계된 이마트 월계점 ‘THE TOWN
MALL’은 온라인 시장의 가파른 성장으로 인한 오프라인 매장의 역할 변화 필요성이 대두됨에 따라 지역민의 니즈, 데모그라피, 타켓, 라이프
스타일을 반영한 컨텐츠 중심의 앵커 전략에 초점을 맞추어 설계 되었으며 먹고, 놀고, 배우고, 즐기는 장소로 다양한 경험과 문화를 제공한다.
emart is a supercenter based in south korea. No longer limited to a place that is mainly for grocery shopping, "THE TOWN MALL" in emart's wolgye branch consists of merchandisers featuring six themes (F&B, Culture, Life, Grocery, Fashion, Factory Outlet), having been transformed into a space where customers would wish to stay longer with enjoyable shopping experience.
The design of "THE TOWN MALL" in emart's Wolgye branch is the product of its cooperation with two design studios, FRINDLEY and NBDC. It was designed with a focus on an anchor strategy, centering on contents that reflect the local needs, demography, targets, and lifestyle, against the backdrop of the rapid growth of online markets and the need for changes in the roles of offline markets. As a place where customers can eat, play, learn, and have fun, "THE TOWN MALL" provides a variety of experiences and cultures.
special thanks to
Youngeun Shim
Kyungwon Seo
Dokyeong Kim

emart is a supercenter based in south korea. No longer limited to a place that is mainly for grocery shopping, "THE TOWN MALL" in emart's wolgye branch consists of merchandisers featuring six themes (F&B, Culture, Life, Grocery, Fashion, Factory Outlet), having been transformed into a space where customers would wish to stay longer with enjoyable shopping experience.
The design of "THE TOWN MALL" in emart's Wolgye branch is the product of its cooperation with two design studios, FRINDLEY and NBDC. It was designed with a focus on an anchor strategy, centering on contents that reflect the local needs, demography, targets, and lifestyle, against the backdrop of the rapid growth of online markets and the need for changes in the roles of offline markets. As a place where customers can eat, play, learn, and have fun, "THE TOWN MALL" provides a variety of experiences and cultures.
special thanks to
Youngeun Shim
Kyungwon Seo
Dokyeong Kim

Second floor

Opening May 2020
Build area first floor 4,182㎡
Second floor 4,959㎡
Use Multi Shopping Mall
Client emart
Interior architect NBDC
Director Yonghwan Shin
Lead designer Rita, Myeonggeun Park
Team Hanna Park
in collaboration with
Spatial planning Seungyong Shin of FRINDLEY
Interior contractor Dau Inc.
Photography Yongjoon Choi
Build area first floor 4,182㎡
Second floor 4,959㎡
Use Multi Shopping Mall
Client emart
Interior architect NBDC
Director Yonghwan Shin
Lead designer Rita, Myeonggeun Park
Team Hanna Park
in collaboration with
Spatial planning Seungyong Shin of FRINDLEY
Interior contractor Dau Inc.
Photography Yongjoon Choi
ⓒ 2020 NBDC
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy or any storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Respect copyrights, encourage creativity!
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy or any storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Respect copyrights, encourage creativity!